Wednesday 17 June 2015

Pink Rickshaw in Lahore

Pakistan, Lahore News : A Pakistani meliorist, jaded with being groped and vexed by male auto-rickshaw drivers, has launched her own service completely for ladies passengers and drivers in her home town of Lahore – with simply the one cart on the road up to now. Zar Aslam, president of Pakistan’s non-profit surroundings Protection Fund, aforementioned she once narrowly at liberty snatch by a cart driver once she was a student, that triggered the thought of launching her “Pink Rickshaw” service. “This is another step towards women’s money and skilled management,” Aslam told Reuters at her place Lahore, showing off her initial cart. “I and my co-workers face harassment by male motorcar drivers or by passersby whereas looking ahead to transport.” The “rickshaws” square measure coated simple machine motorcycles and Aslam bought one to begin with, added fans, doors and headlights and painted it pink and white. The set up is to own a minimum of twenty five up and running by the top of the year, with the Aslam searching for sponsors. “One motorcar prices three hundred,000 rupees (about $3,000), thus it can not be evaded support from donors,” she said, adding that the govt. has not offered any help. “We can lease out the autos to meriting females on straightforward instalment,” Aslam aforementioned. “We can teach them driving and can additionally facilitate them get the licence.” (Reuters) - See a lot of at:
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